Before creating your first application using Qt Creator, you must configure the IDE to work with your platform and the Digi Embedded Yocto toolchain.

Create a new device configuration

Follow these steps to create a new device configuration:

  1. ClickTools > Options.

  2. SelectDevicesfrom the list at the left.

  3. ClickAddon the right panel. A new dialog is displayed listing all the available device configuration types.

  4. SelectGeneric Linux Deviceand clickStart Wizard.

  5. Complete theDevice Connectionwizard:

    1. Device configuration name.

    2. Remote device IP address. SeeHow to find the IP of your device.

      Your device and your host machine must be in the same network.
    3. User name used to login in the device; the default value isroot.

    4. The authentication type; usePassword.

    5. 密码用来登录到设备;离开我t empty by default.

  6. ClickNext.

  7. In theSummarypage, clickFinishto create the new device configuration.

  8. A connection test is performed against the device. Once it finishes, clickClose.

    If the connection test fails, verify all the connection settings are correctly configured and the device is running properly.
  9. ClickOK保存新创建设备有限公司nfiguration and close the dialog.

Set up Digi Embedded Yocto compilers

Configure Digi Embedded Yocto Qt Compiler

Follow these steps to configure the Digi Embedded Yocto Qt compiler:

  1. ClickTools > Options.

  2. SelectBuild & Runfrom the list at the left.

  3. In the right pane, select theQt Versionstab.

  4. ClickAddto add a new Qt compiler.

  5. Navigate through your file system and select theqmakebinary installed within your platform toolchain, usually located at:

  6. ClickApplyto save the new Qt compiler.

If you receive a warning message stating that there was already a configured binary for the same Qt version, ignore it and close the popup.

Configure Digi Embedded Yocto C Compiler

Follow these steps to configure the Digi Embedded Yocto C compiler:

  1. ClickTools > Options.

  2. SelectBuild & Runfrom the list at the left.

  3. In the right pane, select theCompilerstab.

  4. ClickAddand selectGCC > Cfrom the drop-down menu to add a new C native compiler.

  5. Enter a name to identify the new C compiler, for example_DEY_GCC.

  6. ClickBrowseto fill the C compiler path. A file system explorer dialog opens.

  7. Navigate through your file system and select theaarch64-dey-linux-gccbinary installed within your platform toolchain, usually located at:

  8. Selectarm-linux-generic-elf-32bitfrom theABIdrop-down.

  9. ClickApplyto save the new C compiler.

Configure Digi Embedded Yocto C++ compiler

Follow these steps to configure the Digi Embedded Yocto C++ compiler:

  1. ClickTools > Options.

  2. SelectBuild & Runfrom the list at the left.

  3. In the right pane, select theCompilerstab.

  4. ClickAddand selectGCC > C++from the drop-down menu to add a new C++ native compiler.

  5. Enter a name to identify the new C++ compiler, for example_DEY_G++.

  6. ClickBrowseto fill the C++ compiler path. A file system explorer dialog opens.

  7. Navigate through your file system and select theaarch64-dey-linux-g++binary installed within your platform toolchain, usually located at:

  8. Selectarm-linux-generic-elf-32bitfrom theABIdrop-down.

  9. ClickApplyto save the new C++ compiler.

Set up Digi Embedded Yocto debugger

Follow these steps to configure the Digi Embedded Yocto debugger:

  1. ClickTools > Options.

  2. SelectBuild & Runfrom the list at the left.

  3. In the right pane, select theDebuggerstab.

  4. ClickAddin the right pane to add a new debugger.

  5. Enter a name to identify the new debugger, for example_DEY_GDB.

  6. ClickBrowseto fill the debugger path. A file system explorer dialog opens.

  7. Navigate through your file system and select theaarch64-dey-linux-gdbbinary installed within your platform toolchain, usually located at:

  8. ClickApplyto save the new debugger.

Create a new Kit configuration

Follow these steps to create a new Kit configuration for your device:

  1. ClickTools > Options.

  2. SelectBuild & Runfrom the list at the left.

  3. In the right pane, select theKitstab.

  4. ClickAddto create a new Kit configuration.

  5. Enter a name to identify the new Kit configuration, for example_DEY.

  6. In theDevice typefield, selectGeneric Linux Device.

  7. In theDevicefield, select the previously createddevice configuration.

  8. Fill theSysrootpath. To do so:

    1. ClickBrowse.

    2. Navigate through your file system and select theaarch64-dey-linuxfolder within your platform toolchain, usually located at:

  9. In theC Compilerfield, select the previously configuredC DEY Compiler.

  10. In theC++ Compilerfield, select the previously configuredC++ DEY Compiler.

  11. In theDebuggerfield, select the previously configuredDEY Debugger.

  12. In theQt Versionfield, select the previously configuredQt DEY Compiler.

  13. Fill theQt mkspec领域与你的工具链Qt mkspec路径,通常located at:

  14. In theCmake Toolfield, select the auto-detectedCmakeincluded in the sourced toolchain, usually located at/sysroots/x86_64-deysdk-linux/usr/bin/cmake.

  15. ClickMake Defaultto set the new Build & Run configuration as default.

  16. ClickOKto save the new Kit configuration and close the dialog.

How to find the IP of your device

You can find the IP of your device with theifconfigcommand.

#ifconfig eth0 eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:40:9D:98:A6:37inet addr: Bcast: Mask: addr: fe80::211:22ff:fe33:2211%lo/64 Scope:Link UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:1071204 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:81475 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:119890110 (114.3 MiB) TX bytes:16714042 (15.9 MiB)

In this example, the target IP address is